Systems for air compressors

Use the excess heat to your advantage

Approximately 10% of all electricity used in industry is accounted for by compressed air systems.

It is a thermodynamic fact that around 95% of this energy is converted to heat and is wasted to the atmosphere through heat dissipated by the motor and cooling system, with the majority lost via the oil cooler. By re-directing the hot oil to a high efficiency oil to water heat exchanger, the heat can be transferred to water, raising the temperature to a required level for a multitude of applications.

Nice to have… or must have?

The heat generated during compression is paid for as part of the process, then paid for again during removal by way of cooling fans. Instead of simply removing the heat, it can be used to generate hot water, heating systems and application processes in other areas of the installation.

CompAir’s innovative heat recovery systems delivers the opportunity to save money, energy and help to protect the environment.

The heat recovery principal

The basic principle lies in the transferral of heat into a medium and then transporting it to where it can be utilised. The hot cooling air of a closed air cooled compressor can be diverted to an enclosed area via ducting for heating.

If water was to be heated, the oil in the oil cooler is chosen as the transfer medium, this will provide approximately 72% of the overall power consumption for water heating.


Heat Recovery Brochure Download

    • Significant cost savings
    • Lower CO2 emissions
    • Factory fitted integrated system
    • Retrofit kits for installed systems including all pipework and fittings
    • Low investment costs

Performance Data

The data is based on an inlet temperature of 25 °C.

Model L15 L18 L22 L23 L26 L29 L30 L37 L45
Water flow ratelitre/hr 531 235 648 287 760 335 695 278 786 314 854 340 1218 486 1518 607 1770 708
Outlet temperature°C 45 70 45 70 45 70 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75
Energy savingkW 12.3 12.3 15.0 15.0 17.5 17.5 16.1 16.1 18.2 18.2 19.7 19.7 28.2 28.2 35.2 35.2 41.0 41.0
Model? L55 L75 L90 L110 L132 L160 L200 L250
Water flow ratelitre/hr 2064 822 2796 1116 3499 1410 4266 1704 4782 1914 5230 2108 6515 2626 8269 3333
Outlet temperature°C 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75 45 75
Energy savingkW 47.8 47.8 64.8 64.8 80.6 80.6 98.5 98.5 110.8 110.8 120.5 120.5 150.1 150.1 190.5 190.5

Further ranges and models are available upon request.

The above table is dependent on site conditions and shows examples of kW savings at stated water temperature rises. CompAir’s energy recovery system offers savings on a wide range of inlet and outlet temperatures. For alternative temperatures please contact your local CompAir representative.